In a recent tweet, I mentioned I liked a particular song by The Time about interracial love and the next thing I know, I'm being followed by Interracial Love Magazine.
I checked out their Twitter page and really couldn't tell who was behind the scenes. But from the look of it, I guess I imagined it was a youngish black woman. When I sent out a tweet saying if you tweet the word interracial you will be followed by Interracial Love Mag, they sent me a reply saying I was beautiful AND smart (apparently other people they do this to don't make the association). I just assumed this was a woman starting this website and sending back a fellow sister a compliment. Don't ask me why I thought it was a black woman, maybe it was the way their Twitter page looks or maybe it was their tweets which seemed to be frequent and of a vernacular of sorts i.e., "check us out, boo".
Staring at the link on their page, I decided to "check out" their website so I clicked myself a new tab and discovered after some surfing of the site that it is: run by a white man and is specifically for white men and black women who want to describe or ask questions about dating one another. Very niche.
In my own life I have dated men of many races and ethnicities and I can say I probably have had my share of white men, both from choice and necessity. Going to a mostly white college left little same race choices and honestly it's never been an issue to me who I dated as long as I liked that person enough.
Having gotten to this point in life, I have to say I'm seriously in awe of some of the things I read at Interracial Love Mag. For instance, the posting that this person wrote about specifically having a preference of this to that but not in that vague sort of a way, but to say I specifically only like "chocolate" ladies. I'm perplexed and bewildered about what that is all about.
Now this is the exact opposite of John Mayer who's penis apparently runs from the site of the pretty brown round, this man is basically saying I stop at nothing to get my brown sugar. I read with great interest the piece about "Why Do Black Women Lie on Their Online Dating Profiles?" as well as the spotlight given to how Halle Berry seems to be much happier now with a white guy.
If I had to think about the motivation behind anyone I've ever dated of any race at all, it's been their character that has drawn me in the most. OK in college, when I wasn't someone's girlfriend, it was about physical attraction generally. But overall, it's a person's spirit I connect to the most. I live interracially ergo I date interracially and to me INTER-RACIAL means something completely different than WM ISO BW.
I just question the impulse that says I'm really turned on first and foremost by the color of a person's flesh mainly because in my fake experiment, given the choice between a person and their clone, one black and one any other race, based on what I see here, the end result would always be the choice of the black person. That's like a fetish to me. Imagine my surprise when I read further into his posts that he warns black women from being anyone's fetish or that someone's attraction could just be skin deep. What am I missing?
I'm just wondering if there isn't some lonely woman somewhere that this man could be suited for best but they aren't getting a fair shot because you have a "thing" for black women. I've dated enough white men to know, the ones who go out looking for a black woman specifically and vice versa, the black women who only want to date white men, may have more issues than they are willing to admit. I'm just saying....
But I can applaud this mag for at least bringing out in the open something that complements the general idea of love for black women, especially when you have folks like John Mayer running off at the mouth. In a tiny bit warped way, it says to other white people who are notoriously anti-interracial dating that there is nothing wrong with it and that it's even, gasp, enjoyable.
Dating around the rainbow, as I like to call it, puts love for all humankind first, keeps racism at bay, fetishes in check, and allows you to put things in their proper perspective as experience would likely encourage a certain level of understanding that comes from interrelatedness. Looking at a person's spirit, soul and energy as a litmus test for attraction is a really desirable place to be and that has very little to do with the color of skin. It's definitely moderate and most definitely sexy. Try it...if you dare!