In relative terms, moderation is arbitrary by any definition. You know four cookies may seem excessive to the anorexic but hardly a mouthful to the bulimic. With that in mind it may seem futile to even discuss moderation when it is so up for debate. In politics, the moderate hardly seems anything but a middle-of-the-road time waster who can't take a stand that isn't based on weighing every pro and con. Unlike the fervent Republican whose emotions dictate the slur du jour, or the Democrat whose high ideals preclude ever getting anything done in real time; the Moderate irritates with their apparent lack of emotion or ideals when people so desperately want either or but nothing in between. Yes, it's all or nothing and the moderate seems more than content to walk the line of one moment having it all and the next sacrificing all to have...well nothing.
What kind of satisfaction can be gained by taking such a position?
My definition of moderation is not just an extension of politics however, it applies to lifestyle choices primarily and everything else secondarily. For one, moderation is a choice we make, to behave in such a way that dictates an overall course that is neither too little, nor too much. Resting upon an extreme for too long is something moderation avoids. So one can say moderation is both a function of time and quantity. The choice of moderation affords one the opportunity to experience, albeit I'll say to enjoy more, over the course of one's lifetime. I couldn't imagine never being able to enjoy a glass of champagne because I had gone too far with alcohol that I had to deny myself that simple pleasure as my survival depended upon remaining chaste!
Yes, in this example I am singling out the alcoholic. First alcohol is only mildly enjoyable as it is mostly painful. In our youth we need to experiment with the extremes of this drug so we can see where we fit in to its curve: foolhardy, weakling or tolerant. At times in our research we will behave as all of the above. Drinking to the point where we recall nothing of our actions and awaken the next day in the arms of some stranger, or in our own vomit or urine. Yuck! Weaklings may succumb to the pressures of peers and end up calling our exes but we do get all the guilt of remembering the next day. Those tolerant of the drug have the ability to enjoy their buzz but get home safely without embarrassment or humiliation to themselves or others.
To know if we have addictive personalities is the first task at hand. If we do, we need not dabble in the areas to which we are weak and foolhardy--too often.
Moderation gives us the clear choice--how to and to what extent to say when. Moderation is not about being stuck in the middle at all you see. It's about trying the extremes and choosing when to pendulate between them. Experience everything...nearly.
So sexy, don't you think?
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